
Varicocele is enlargement of veins within the loose bag of testicles, caused by defective valves in veins inside the scrotum. In normal condition, the valves regulate the blood flow to and from the testicles. When the blood flow is not normal, the blood backs up, leading to enlargement of veins. Varicocele causes low sperm production .15% of men experience varicocele. 90% of the times it appears on the left testicle. Commonly seen in males between the age of 15 to 25.
Varicocele causes mild symptoms:-
Ø lump in one of your testicles
Ø recurring pain in the scrotum
Ø swelling of scrotum
It can cause 3 main problems:-
Ø scrotal discomfort
Ø impaired fertility
Ø decreased testosterone production
Due to sexual nature of this condition it can cause psychological stress. You might have problems concentrating on work due to a dragging sensation in your testis which can lead to professional and economic burden. Hence, we suggest an early treatment of varicocele by embolisation , which is inexpensive , quick and will offers more chance to be confident professionally and reproductive options to the person suffering.
Treatments for Varicocele
Open surgery is called Varicocelectomy that removes enlarged veins. Common procedure is laparoscopic varicocelectomy where the surgeon uses several small incisions, laparoscope and camera.
Varicocele Embolisation
Plain Coil Embolisation
Varicocele embolisation is a less invasive procedure using a small catheter inserted into the groin or neck vein. A coil is then placed inside the catheter and into the varicocele. With this the blood blocks and does not flow to the abnormal veins.
BRTO and Coil Embolisation
· BRTO — Balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration, an endovascular method used to treat varicocele.
· A minimally invasive technique involving blocking of dilated vessels, reducing the risk of rupture.
Embolisation needs no stitches or even general anaesthesia and only a very tiny incision. The recovery time is only about 2 to 3 days, whereas surgical techniques require deep incision and several days to recover. It is proved that embolisation and surgery are equally effective.
For latest treatment options for varicocele, contact Dr Sandeep Sharma . He is an expert Interventional Radiologist. A tailored clinical approach is an important component of his daily practice. Dr Sharma has treated many patients with his specialist Interventional radiology skills that involve minimally invasive treatments which are scar less and bloodless. Get your Varicocele treated from Dr Sandeep Sharma because his IR technique is unique and effective.